Sunday, May 31, 2009

research paper writing

1.description of research paper title/topic

9.testing the man semen analysis


11. for good health

12. good or bad

13. how it affects muscle growth

What Does The Bible Say about Masturbation?

15.Masturbation and Sex
16.christian teens and lust
17.child masturbation

18.Bad Masturbation Habits?


20.masturbation fantasies

22. gay masturbation

23. adult sex education

24. female masturbation

25. benefits of masturbation

videos and photos:


1. Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals (self masturbation), often to the point of orgasm.[1] The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods.[2] Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism, and the two words are often used as synonyms, although masturbation with a partner (mutual masturbation) is also common. Animal masturbation has been observed in many species, both in the wild and in captivity.

1.1. Etymology
The word masturbation is believed to derive from either the Greek word mezea (μεζεα, "penises") or the Latin manus ("hand") and the Latin turbare ("to disturb").[6] A competing etymology based on the Latin manu stuprare ("to defile with the hand") is said by the Oxford English Dictionary to be an "old conjecture".[7]
While "masturbation" is the medical term for this practice, many other terms and expressions are in common use. In the vernacular, terms such as "pleasuring oneself", "wanking" and "jerking off" are common.
1.2 Techniques
Ways of masturbating common to members of both sexes include pressing or rubbing the genital area, either with the fingers or against an object such as a pillow; inserting fingers or an object into the anus (see anal masturbation); and stimulating the penis or vulva with electric vibrators, which may also be inserted into the vagina or anus. Members of both sexes may also enjoy touching, rubbing, or pinching the nipples or other erogenous zones while masturbating. Both sexes sometimes apply lubricating substances to intensify sensation.
Reading or viewing pornography, or sexual fantasy, are often common adjuncts to masturbation. Often people will call upon memories during masturbation. Masturbation activities are often ritualised. Various fetishes and paraphilias can also play a part in the masturbation ritual. Some potentially harmful or fatal activities include autoerotic asphyxiation and self-bondage.
1.3 Compulsive masturbation
Sigmund Freud argued that every normal child usually experiments with many types of autoerotic sexual stimulation. Social repressions of sexuality reached their peak in the Victorian era when popular authors wrote books threatening young children with mental deficiency or insanity if they indulged in any form of masturbation. There is no scientific evidence of any causative relationship between autoeroticism and any form of mental disorder. Though mentally disturbed persons characteristically show poor judgment in expressing sexuality, this may be understood as a symptom rather than a cause.

1.Masturbation can increase self-knowledge
Sex educators don’t call masturbation the cornerstone of sexual health for nothing. Masturbation is the first, safest, and best way to get to know how your sexual body works. You can learn what turns you on and what doesn’t. You can learn how to give yourself sexual pleasure in a hurry, or when you’ve got nothing but time. As an educational tool, masturbation is better than any textbook, video or website you’ll ever read (that includes this one!).
1.1 Masturbation can lead to self-discovery
Even if you know how to get the job done, masturbatorally speaking, your capacity to feel sexual pleasure is limitless and masturbation is a great way to find new functions for familiar parts. Often when we’re having sex with a partner we might be too self-conscious, shy, or otherwise distracted to pay close attention to what’s happening in our own body. Masturbation, when you’re doing it by yourself, allows you to focus on the subtlety of your own sexual response , and possibly discover things you hadn’t previously realized were part of your sexuality.
1.2 Masturbation is nature’s sleep aid

While thinking about sex might keep you up at night having it, including masturbation, is a great way to deal with insomnia. In a 2000 study of U.S. women, 32% said that in the past three months they masturbated as a way to fall asleep. Whether it’s because of the hormones and endorphins released following orgasm, the benefits of clearing your head, or the mini cardio workout, masturbation that ends in orgasm is a great way to get to sleep without pills, television, or counting sheep.


1 Masturbation leads to blindness

1.1 Masturbation causes you to grow hair on the palms of your hands.

1.2 Masturbation causes you to become impotent later in life.

1.3 Masturbation leads to mental illness.

1.4 Masturbation permanently reduces libido, desire, and/or sexual performance.

1.5 Masturbation permanently reduces the quantity or quality of semen


Masturbation occurs within a marriage or relationship between two individuals where self-pleasure takes the place of having sex with a partner, this act could potentially damage the self-esteem of the latter.? However, according to Louanne Cole Weston, PhD, a board-certified sex therapist “One lesson of long-term relationships is that both people need not be interested in doing the exact same things at the exact same time – and that includes sex.”[1][1]? If the partners within a relationship are capable of communicating their needs, desires, and expectations with one another, masturbation can then be part of a healthy component of a relationship.
Furthermore, masturbation may have negative social consequences if one becomes preoccupied with self-pleasure to the point that it interferes with one’s job and one’s social relationships.? This includes spending excessive time masturbating while failing at attempts to reduce or control these activities resulting in interference with one’s day-to-day life activities.
Masturbation is a considered a natural and safe (both physically and emotionally) way for men and women to express sexuality and may help promote self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-confidence.? By exploring one’s own body visually and by touch, this knowledge can be carried over to provide for a stronger and satisfying sexual relationship with one’s partner by opening lines of communication regarding what their body responds to best.

We therefore conclude that masturbation is more dangerous than atheism. Doctors of a generation ago knew this, but over the course of recent Democratic administrations, and their prevailing philosophy of "if it feels good, do it" – this problem has spiralled out of control. Masturbation is harmless.Medical science proves that chronic masturbation causes weakness, depression.
Masturbation is a "victimless crime."Theological experts on masturbation have come to the conclusion that masturbation is what is known as a "gateway" sin. This means that masturbation leads to more serious offenses. In fact, practically all rapists, sodomites, child molesters and pornography addicts started out as masturbators.


My memorable experience in life when I was six years old.I became the kiddie queen.I was

grade one at that time.I did not expect because it is my first time.The mechanics in choosing, is

the candidate who will be the one to choose the small paper.In the small paper,the ranking of

candidate is written.I'm very happy at that time because I pick the rank of a queen.

by:Monica P.Sasuman

____It was a cold Sunday midnight when I was awaken
with a bad dream.It was a nightmare and I found it hard
to sleep back again .
____In my dream,I saw myself flying at the sky,wearing
white long sleeve and white pants with matching white...
shoes.At that time! I was wondering what am I doing,...
why I dressed like that,why I am there,and why is it that
nobody around me.I'm the only one who was there, it
was so silent.Then I saw a shining box in front of me,and
it was opened already when I got there.I was wondering
what's inside the box,it was a magic mirror reflecting
my family,relatives,and my friends,they were crying then..
I don't know what's the reason why they were crying.....
I started shouting to them,calling their names one by one,.
but nobody was able to hear me.The last part was,........
I saw myself lying on my bed, sleeping.Then I wondered.
why is it that I was there.Then someone shouted that I.....
was dead.It made me cry in my dream,but the best thing..
here is that!I was crying too,while I was sleeping.
_____12:00 o'clock in the midnight when I was disturb....
with my dream,minutes later..........After an hour.........
the clock turned to 4:00.And this was the reason why

I am late in going to school with a bad Monday morning.

by: haryl_stephen_daluan
